All Posts by Saida

So installed new speakers in a 1999 mustang. Passenger side both front and rear speakers are not producing bass. driver side (both) are doing it just fine. When I connect the speaker wire from the driver side speakers to the ones on the passenger side they produce bass so its not a speaker issue (speakers are brand new and work perfect when ran from driver side wires). What could it be?? a ground issue??? wiring behind the stock stereo/cd player?? any ideas would be great.
I remember a while ago seeing a rust converter that turned metal black, and neutralized the rust.
Normally, turning the metal black may not be the desired effect, but I have a use where it will be helpful.
nyone know of a specific product?
Hi community, I'm Oliver from Mansfield
I'm the owner of 1999 Ford Mustang Cobra
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